Yangzijiang Financial Holding Ltd. (the “Company”) will livestream its EGM on Wednesday, 8 June 2022 at (Singapore Time) 3:00 pm via live audio-visual webcasting service, and Shareholders will have the opportunity to watch the proceedings online, using a smartphone, tablet or computer. Shareholders will also be able to listen to the proceedings through a live audio-only stream. In order to assist Shareholders through this process, please refer to the guidelines below.
Shareholders and CPF/SRS investors who wish to attend and/or listen to the EGM proceedings must:
1. Pre-register no later than 5 June 2022, 3:00 pm (Singapore Time) ("Pre-registration Deadline")
Shareholders and CPF/SRS investors who wish to pre-register for the live audio-visual webcast and live audio-only stream of the EGM proceedings should click on “Register Now” at the bottom of this page, and complete and submit the registration form.
Shareholders and CPF/SRS investors who have pre-registered by the Pre-registration Deadline but do not receive an email response by 7 June 2022, 11:59 pm (Singapore Time) should contact the Company at the following email address: public@yzjfin.com.
2. Authenticated Shareholders and CPF/SRS investors will receive a confirmation email no later than 7 June 2022, 11:59 pm (Singapore Time) containing the link and unique login credentials to access the live audio-visual webcast, and the telephone number and participant PIN to access the live audio-only stream of the EGM proceeding.
Shareholders and CPF/SRS investors must not share the login credentials and participant PIN provided with others, as only one device is allowed per login. It is the Shareholders and CPF/SRS investor’s responsibility to keep the login credentials and participant PIN provided to himself/herself.
Shareholders and CPF/SRS investors are advised to also check the “Junk” or “Spam’’ folders of their email in case the emails are directed there instead of their “Inbox”.
Shareholders who wish to exercise their voting rights at the EGM may:
(a) (where such Shareholders are individuals) vote live via electronic means at the EGM or (whether such Shareholders are individuals or corporates) appoint a proxy(ies) (other than the Chairman of the Meeting) to vote live via electronic means at the EGM on their behalf; or
(b) (whether such Shareholders are individuals or corporates) appoint the Chairman of the Meeting as their proxy to vote on their behalf at the EGM.
Shareholders who wish to appoint a proxy(ies) must submit an instrument appointing a proxy(ies) in accordance with the instructions on the instrument appointing a proxy(ies).
The Proxy Form is made available to Shareholders on SGXNet at https://www.sgx.com/securities/company-announcements and on the Company’s website at https://www.yzjfin.com.
Shareholders are requested to complete and sign the Proxy Form and submit it to the Company in either one of the following manner:
All completed and signed Proxy Forms must reach the Company no later than 3:00 pm on 5 June 2022 (Singapore Time) being 72 hours before the time appointed for the EGM.
CPF Investors or SRS Investors may:
(i) vote live via electronic at the EGM if they are pre-register via the pre-registration website and appointed as proxies by their respective CPF/SRS Operators, and should contact their respective CPF/SRS Operators if they have any queries regarding their appointment as proxies, or
(ii) appoint the Chairman of the Meeting as proxy to vote on their behalf at the EGM, in which case they should approach their respective CPF agent banks or SRS operators to submit their votes by 5:00 pm on 27 May 2022.
Shareholders and CPF/SRS investors attending the EGM via the Live Webcast will be able to ask the Chairman of the Meeting substantial and relevant questions related to the resolutions to be tabled for approval at the Meeting, by typing in and submitting their questions through the live chat function via the audio-visual webcast platform.
Shareholders and CPF/SRS investors are also encouraged to submit questions related to the resolutions to be tabled for approval at the EGM to the Chairman of the Meeting, in advance of the EGM in the following manner no later than seven (7) working days in advance of the EGM (i.e. by 3:00 pm on 27 May 2022):
(a) By email to kamal@financialpr.com.sg/zhouyan@financialpr.com.sg; or
(b) if submitted by post, to be deposited at the: 4 Robinson Rd, #04-01 The House of Eden, Singapore 048543
Shareholders who submit questions via email or by post to the Company must provide the following information:
(i) the Shareholder’s full name;
(ii) the Shareholder’s address; and
(iii) the manner in which the Shareholder holds shares in the Company (e.g. via CDP, CPF or SRS).
The Board of Directors of the Company (“Board”) will endeavour to address, during the EGM, substantial and relevant questions (as determined by the Board in its sole opinion) submitted by Participating Shareholders. However, there may not be sufficient time to address all such questions.
Persons who hold Shares through relevant intermediaries, other than CPF/SRS investors, and who wish to participate in the EGM by (a) attending and/or listening to the EGM proceedings through live audio-visual webcast or live audio-only stream; (b) submitting questions to the Chairman of the Meeting in advance of, or live at, the EGM; and/or (c) voting at the EGM (i) live via electronic means by being appointed as proxy by their relevant intermediary; or (ii) by appointing the Chairman of the Meeting as proxy to vote on their behalf at the EGM, should contact the relevant intermediary through which they hold such shares as soon as possible in order for the necessary arrangements to be made for their participation in the EGM.
Personal Data
1. Full name and NRIC/FIN/passport/company registration number are required for purposes of verification and issuance of webcast login credential to you.
2. By completing and submitting this registration, you agree and acknowledge that Yangzijiang Financial Holding Ltd. and/or our service providers may collect, use and disclose your personal data, as contained in your submitted registration for the purpose of processing and effecting your request.